Friday, August 13, 2010

27: Apprehension & brush pens

I am absolutely terrified of going back to school. I can move around a lot these days but crossing the street is absolutely horrific, even with Micah holding my hand the entire time. I can't imagine how the commute to school is going to be like. I know I have the option of taking the first few weeks off but I think that would do more harm than good. I'd be so behind in all my classes.

I'm just so freaked out and anxious about this. I can't think straight and keep getting panic attacks. AAARRGHHH!!!

Sorry you guys. I just needed a place to let it out.


Micah and I visited Little Tokyo last week. It was exhausting walking around on crutches so I spent most of it sitting in the middle of a very tourist-filled courtyard while Micah wandered around. Lots of silly tourists asked to take pictures with me. I think they assumed I was in cosplay? That's why people have green hair, right? Haha!

Anywho, in a small gift shop with random stuff, I picked up a brush pen. I love drawing with brush pens but haven't yet found one that's waterproof. They also have felt tips that get worn blunt in about two days of heavy use. This is awful for me since I draw almost constantly. For $1.99 though, it wasn't a bad deal.

I was complaining about it on my Facebook when Dylan Horrocks (of Hicksville comics) mentioned the Pentel GFKP. Unlike the cheap felt-tip brush pens I've been buying, this has individual nylon bristles that make up the brush tip. The ink is waterproof (india ink, I believe?) and refillable. It's incredibly cheap compared to the Kuretake Brush Pen I was looking at in Blick's last year. (I was told at the time that it was the only other type of brush pen available on the market.)

I'm planning on ordering the pen off e-bay the next chance I get. These have great reviews and seem to last a while. Totally worth it in my mind.


  1. *hugs Sheika*

    I really hope you'll be really recovered soon! And I hope you can figure out how to beat the anxiety!

  2. Experimenting with new media is so much fun... and so frustrating. Good luck.
