Thursday, June 17, 2010

Self portrait

This is an older piece, some of you will probably remember it from when I had it posted on the comic blog. I had planned on doing a series of self-portraits to practice drawing from life. Unfortunately, I got busy and depressed...a deadly combination. I'm posting it again as a renewed start to the exercise.

Pencil on paper

Here is a shot of my pose just for reference. Its difficult to get an accurate portrait when my pose changes slightly every time I move my head to look down at the paper. I'm happy just to get a likeness eve though the proportions are a bit off. Apparently, my head isn't as round as I think it is. Haha!


  1. Very cool. Lots of respect to you for how good your glasses look; I hate drawing those things (which is why I rarely do).

  2. That's great Sheika!
    Feel free to use any pic of me if you feel like going back to drawing portraits!

    And I think you look adorable if a bit too serious in that self portrait! ;)

  3. Thank you guys. I'm better at drawing anything NOT alive. Haha!
