Monday, April 18, 2011

Read me!

I've been really plowing through my book list lately, and dragged Micah along as well. He's been searching for a bookmark so I decided to make use of some scrap cardboard I had lying around.

Micah's bookmark
Reeeeaaad meeee!

I hadn't realized how quickly I'd be going through my reading list. It really helped that the library had so many of them! I didn't realize how I'd severely under-estimated their collection.

Studio projects of the week:
- Script next week's comics
- Pencil & ink
- Thumbnail Crab & Manatee
- Thumbnail 'Ruthy ride her bike'
- Edit test files for prints


  1. I made a big library run yesterday, too. I decided I need to read more books and less magazines. First up: Steve Martin's "Shopgirl."

  2. I love that bookmark! You should make more and add them to your shop!!
