Tuesday, September 7, 2010

37: Sneak peeks

I've done a lot more work this long weekend than I have in a while. Mainly, I've got some paintings finished up!

Some of you may remember last month when I held my "Get-me-to-RENT" fundraiser. Kylie of FabulouslyFierce.etsy.com, amazing designer of alternative home decor and hand-made pet accessories, ordered a set of 3 paintings.

Normally, I'd be able to blast through these paintings in less than two weeks. Unfortunately, my arm (which is getting better rather quickly since I started Therapy) has prevented me from putting in the hours necessary. Still...they're complete! These were SO much fun to do and I can't wait for Kylie to see them.

Here are some low-res picture. I'll be taking better pictures and posting in-progress shots when I get home from school.

The original sketch


  1. Woohooo!! That's totally awesome!
    I can't wait to see a sneak peek of mine whenever it's done! =D

  2. Very cool. Were the skeletons your idea or was it a request?

  3. EPIC COOL :P or if you want to be down with the teenagers 'Awesome sauce'

    - LOVE IT all the same! you is a talented Lady! x
