Friday, September 17, 2010

39: Love Junkies

Yep, my first ever mini-comic is now completed! I'm having it printed this weekend and should be all done and ready to ship out. :)

You can get them through my Etsy Shop or directly through my OMGcow Shop page . Paypal only, $5 + $1.50 shipping.

I'm also always open to trade! Just shoot me a message/email/tweet/smoke signals.


  1. Yay for that super cute mini comic completed!
    I think I pre-ordered it, so I can't wait to complete it!

  2. Pili, yes you did. I think you pre-ordered all the comics! There will also be some...ah...special surprise comics in your package. :D

  3. Hey Sheika! The brushwork and story looks great!
    Wanna trade? Email me, sassy.spinster (at)
